5 Key Ways to Master Black Friday

Black Friday is just around the corner and there’s no time like the present to prepare. So take 5 minutes, maybe even 10, and take a look at our top 5 ways to set your brand up for success. From planning to executing, here are some points to consider when optimizing your ads this Black Friday.

Determine Your Sales Potential.

Know where you stand. Do a quick projection of possible revenue by multiplying the number of visitors by your online conversion rate and your online average order value (AOV).

Plan For a 3-Week Lead-Up.

Get ahead of the curve and avoid traffic build-up by communicating with your audiences (both new & old) three weeks ahead of Black Friday. You’ll see an affect on both your bottom line and a higher return on ad spend.

Increase Your Average Order Value.

Take time to think through your offerings for Black Friday. With more customers coming to the site, you’ll want to capitalize on the opportunity to increase revenue using exclusive bundles and stacked discounts to incentivize multi-item purchases.

Master the Pre-Offer.

Expand your revenue window with a unique offer that precedes Black Friday. Make sure your email communications stand out and are designed “mobile-first.” The majority of customers will look at your communications on a mobile device, so you’ll want to focus on engaging graphics and minimal text.

Spend Wisely. Retarget Often.

Make every effort count this Black Friday by focusing on quality traffic. Retarget previous site visitors who engaged with your advertisements and email campaigns leading up to Black Friday.

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Abby Lynch